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Self Care...

October 5, 2018

There's a reason why you're told to put your oxygen mask on first on an airplane. Quite simply, it is impossible to help others if you don't help yourself first. This means your health, both mental and physical, have to remain a top priority. Make certain you are doing the following 8 things:

  1. Annual exams & all of the recommended testing for your age, health and family history.

  2. Sleep! We often neglect this basic necessity. It is not only vital for our health, it is a must for productivity, concentration and overall stamina.

  3. Take a break...not only throughout your workday, but also be sure to take time off during the week. And yes, vacations are the doctors' orders!

  4. De-stress and decompress! Let go of things you cannot change and focus on those you can.

  5. It is OK to say no sometimes...we are not bionic and cannot do everything. Prioritize all things in your life and create balance.

  6. Stay active and eat healthy! (no worries...the latter is a struggle for most of us! smile)

  7. Surround yourself with people who love you and have your back (which doesn't mean they will always agree with you...but only want the best for you).

  8. Enjoy life! We only get one chance...

While it may be true that your family & your business need you...& yes, there are but so many hours in a day. Always remember, to your family there is nothing you can give them more important than YOU, and for your business the greatest asset is who...YOU!

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